Annual report 2021 much appreciated

Annual report 2021 much appreciated

Jos van Erp Deputy Director View profile

A few weeks ago, the DECP board approved DECP's annual report 2021. This enabled DECP staff to send copies to many stakeholders. Usually a digital version of course. The many reactions that this elicited satisfied the management and experts of DECP. There was especially great appreciation for the wide variety of activities that DECP has been able to carry out and support together with its partners.

Many concrete actions could be carried out on the basis of the membership management and social dialogue pillars. Like in-depth CRM training and support, the development of a concept for social dialogue on sector level and online skills development training. All this despite the continuation of the corona crisis in 2021. Fortunately, the first face-to-face missions on the spot could start again in the latter part of the year.

Convince yourself of the power of knowledge sharing and knowledge transfer in many areas.

Read everyting about the developments in 2021: DECP Annual Report 2021


“The Osprey” by ©Génol, 2021