Zambia. New business agenda for ZFE developing

Zambia. New business agenda for ZFE developing

Jannes van der Velde Country manager View profile

Focus groups is the key word in the development of a new business agenda for the Zambia Federation of Employers (ZFE). These focus groups create involvement of the business community for a new agenda and a platform of explicit support. 

Focus groups are basically get-togethers of small groups of people that discuss a certain topic, focussing on that topic only. In this pressure cooker approach little time is waisted while lots of content is generated. Focus groups from the ZFE membership were held in Lusaka (for members from Lusaka and Copperbelt) and Livingstone.

The development of a new business agenda became desirable after the chances in the socio-economic circumstances following Covid-19 policies and the arrival of a new government in Zambia. In the project ZFE worked closely together with both DECP and ILO. 


Mr. Harrington Chibanda (ZFE) addressing the first focus group in Lusaka