Working on Occupational Safety and Health
At the invitation of the CNP-Togo, J.M. Standaert, country manager for Togo, visited Lomé from 15 to 20 February 2015 and met the acting president and staff of CNP-Togo, but also the director of the Caisse Nationale de la Sécurité Sociale (CNSS) which is in charge of the prevention policy on OSH and head of the Labour Inspection of the Ministry of Labour. The goal of the CNSS is to convince all companies with more than 25 workers to set-up a Joint Committee on OSH (CSST) in each company with the aim to improve the working environment and reduce the number of labour accidents. However very few companies have at present set-up such CSST: that’s why the CNSS asked the CNP-Togo to cooperate in convincing the companies to set-up the CSST’s. For this CNP-Togo will have to develop a new service for its members with the support of DECP.