Training programme for West African Employers' Organisations
On behalf of DECP Bram Van Overbeeke attended the ILO/ITC and DECP workshop on Effective Employers’ Organisations, held in Dakar, Senegal (from September 24-27), for a number of French-speaking countries in West-Africa.
The workshop was opened by the Netherlands’ Ambassador to Senegal, Mr. Hans Jansing, who underlined the importance of effective EO’s in promoting economic growth, creating employment and thus contributing to the fight against poverty.
Bram Van Overbeeke introduced DECP and outlined our objectives, working methods and the various types of assistance that we can provide.
The workshop was well organized by Arnout De Koster and his staff and followed the model developed for workshops in Jakarta and Nairobi. It included all the major themes, such as governance, revenue raising, membership fees, advocacy, communication etc. Among the resource persons the contribution of Fareed Jaunbocus clearly stood out. He managed to create a sense of urgency among his audience.
Some 35 participants enjoyed and appreciated the training and several countries indicated their interest in cooperation with DECP.