Train the trainers. Refreshing!

Train the trainers. Refreshing!

Martien Robertz Country manager View profile

It is very hot in Danang. When I open the curtains of my hotel room in the morning, I see that the windows are wet due to condensation. The air conditioning does its job well.

Today we visit five companies in the Danang area. We notice how many hands pile bricks that have just been produced. And we also notice that the company has recently purchased two robots. Another company is much further in their development. Really everything that can be well organized is well organized. From working conditions to environmental care.

In the evening a tropical rain shower starts. I see children splashing through puddles. The temperature certainly drops by seven degrees. After the shower, I take a walk and think of the last company visit. Refreshing.

It is hot in Hanoi. When I open the curtains of my hotel room in the morning, I see the entire street full of scooters with people going to work. I walk the kilometre to where we are going to train our second generations of trainers, but that is actually too hot. I arrive sweaty. Tomorrow I will go by taxi after all.

Our candidate trainers are looking forward to it. During three days they not only demonstrate their enthusiasm, but most experts in their field also have ideas about applying everything they want to learn.

Before I leave Vietnam at midnight at the end of my visit, we eat the famous Pho soup in an old neighbourhood of Hanoi in a very tiny restaurant, a tropical rain bursts loose. People on the street are surprised by the large amount of water. They wriggle out of their clothes and laugh. The temperature certainly drops by seven degrees and just as quickly as the shower started it is dry again. I walk into the restaurant and think of the enthusiasm of the new generation of trainers. Refreshing.