The GEA Business Agenda 2016-18
The economy in Ghana is currently facing a number of challenges which in turn is putting a considerable amount of pressure on the Ghana Employers Association (GEA) as it strives to collect subscriptions and provide services.
The two day mission to the GEA by the Country Manager Andrew Moore provided the opportunity to share a number of ideas as to how the GEA may be able to approach some of these issues.
One of the key tools for the GEA will be the launching its second “GEA Business Agenda 2016-18” at its Annual General Meeting on 2 September. This agenda has been supported both financially as well as technically by the DECP and highlights three major issues Energy, Skills and Healthcare on which the GEA will advocate. Members of the GEA have clearly indicated that these issues are hampering their employment and development as businesses.
The mission also provided the opportunity to look at the current strategy for communication and to provide a number of ideas as to how this could become more effective.