Second training-of-trainers promising!

Second training-of-trainers promising!

Dirk Joosse Special Advisor View profile

For development and implementation of Social Dialogue

DECP and CNV Internationaal together support a social dialog (SD) project in Indonesia. After 5 successful regional workshops, where the necessity of development of a social dialogue between Apindo (employers) and KSBSI (Trade Union) was confirmed by local representatives of the two parties, the next phase was initiated by starting a training-of trainers to help facilitate social dialogue meetings all over Indonesia in all regions. After a successful try-out training-of-trainers a first of two prolongations of the training-of-trainers took place in February 2019 in Medan North Sumatra. Enthusiastic and capable Indonesian trainers took part in this second of three trainings to obtain the knowledge, awareness, skills, behaviour and attitude to facilitate future social dialog meetings between Apindo members and KSBSI representatives in the various regions of Indonesia.

Amidst the festivities and sounds of Chinese New Year the Indonesian trainers showed their growing capabilities to facilitate SD in Indonesia in the near future. Under supervision of the Dutch trainers of DECP and CNV-Internationaal the mere part of the facilitation of SD Workshop for delegations of Employers Apindo and Trade Union KSBSI was taken care of by the Indonesian Trainers. This way these trainers could get more experience in helping delegations execute SD in a constructive and win- win mode. The trainers successfully took the chance to apply their experiences with exercises, theory and role plays earlier in the three days Training of Trainers preceding this Workshop. The results were promising for the future according to the Indonesian participants and Dutch Trainers.

Next July the next training will take place, again followed by a workshop for local representatives of the mentioned parties. In this workshop the Indonesian trainers will again have the opportunity to try out their experiences with social dialogue facilitation on a live audience, of course with support of the Dutch CNV and DECP trainers. In-between the Indonesian Trainers (bi-partite) have the assignment to facilitate a try out workshop with the delegations  in their own region. In the third training in July the results of these workshops will be evaluated. Also the knowledge, awareness, skills, behaviour and attitude for this kind of facilitation will be enhanced that the Indonesian Trainers will be able to start facilitating SD implementation all over Indonesia.