Presence DECP at 2 activities of CERM in Macedonia
In the framework of the “Global Entrepreneurship Week 2009”, the Confederation of Employers of the Republic of Macedonia (CERM) organised a conference in Skopje on Tuesday 17 November during which Mr. J.M. Standaert, Special Advisor of DECP, was invited to hold a presentation on the Role of BRO (Business Representative Organisations) in times of financial and economic crisis.
The conference was also attended by a delegation of the Dutch Embassy in Skopje, Mrs. Marije Maessen, First Secretary, and Mr. Ivan Ivanovski, Economy and Trade Officer. During the Q&A-session, Mrs. Maessen, fully supported the view of DECP that a fruitful social dialogue is needed in Macedonia.
On Wednesday 18 November Mr. Standaert conducted a residential one-day workshop with the staff of CERM on governance of an employers’ organisation, about relations with members, about developing services and on how to apply for EU-funds. It was agreed that the staff will now prepare conclusions for discussions with the president, and that a new workshop will be organised once an EU-tender will be announced.