Peru Employers and unions examine the Dutch Polder model

Peru Employers and unions examine the Dutch Polder model

Peter Boorsma Country manager View profile

In November 2016 a delegation of six directors of the main employers' organization and the largest trade union federation in Peru were in The Hague for a three weeks internship at the Labour Foundation. They interviewed staff and were allowed to attend closed meetings. The aim of the internship was to gain more insight into the workings of the Dutch polder model in order to shape the social dialogue in Peru.

The Peruvians were in the Netherlands at the invitation of the Labour Foundation, FNV Global and DECP. FNV Global has been supporting the trade union Confederación General de Trabajadores del Peru (CGTP) for several years already. DECP helps the employers’ organization Sociedad Nacional de Industrias (SNI) with capacity building and consultancy in the field of social dialogue. The SNI was founded 120 years ago and represents all the major industrial companies of Peru.

Especially the tight schedule of the various meetings and business-like way of running a meeting  attracted the attention of the trainees. They were impressed by the mutual trust between the social partners in the Netherlands and saw the visit to the Netherlands as a good opportunity to work on mutual trust between Peruvian social partners.