Pakistan   EFP Board retreat in Dubai

Pakistan EFP Board retreat in Dubai

Andrew Moore Country manager View profile

The retreat provided the Board with the opportunity to take a look at the achievements of the EFP over the last two years under the Presidency of Majyd Aziz. It was noted that an increase of some 41% in membership had enabled the finances of the EFP to be on a much stronger footing. Board members also received a presentation on the newly formed “Economic Council” which is being developed under the guidance of the EFP and is providing a much wider area of representation on behalf of its membership. The Council is addressing issues such as Water, Electricity and Infrastructure which is holding back business development across Pakistan.

The retreat also provided the opportunity for Board members to discuss with the secretariat the need to ensure the delivery of EFP services. It was noted that the provision of legal guidance was being well received by members both in Karachi and in some of the regions. The need to enhance the training provided was discussed and it was agreed that every effort would be made to develop this service.

The Board noted that the building of the new EFP offices in Karachi was experiencing some problems with regards to documentation but it was hoped that these would be sorted and the building would start shortly.

The Board of the EFP received an invitation to take dinner with H.E Shaikh Muhammad Bin Hamadan of the Royal family of the United Arab Emirates. This was graciously accepted and provided the opportunity for Board members to brief him on the work and future plans for the EFP.