Mission and workshops in Zambian Federation of Employers
A DECP-delegation, consisting of director Jan Karel Bout, deptuty director Thieu Korten, and communication Expert Jannes van der Velde, visited Zambia from 7th to 11th of October. Workshops were given to staff and board members of the Zambian Federation of Employers (ZFE), the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Chamber for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises and several other employers' and sector associations. The workshops dealt with lobbying, attracting members and communication. The workshops were highly appreciated by the participants. They will probably be repeated next year.
The DECP delegation also investigate the possibilities for a long-term relation with the ZFE. Probably a Partnership Agreement -with a long-term cooperation plan- will be signed in March 2009.
DECP also visited the Dutch Ambassador Harry Molenaar in Lusaka to exchange information