Looking ahead to 2014-2017 Uganda
The DECP undertook a three day mission to the Federation of Uganda Employers (FUE) in Kampala from 19–21 August 2103. The main objective of the mission was to discuss future collaboration between the FUE and the DECP for the period 2014-17. Potential areas of cooperation are an HR service for SME’s, consolidating the FUE’s websites, fighting corruption, skills development, energy and a new FUE Business Agenda.
During the course of the mission discussions took place on the progress being made on the “Skills Training Levy” project which is being undertaken by the FUE and supported both technically and financially by the DECP.
It was agreed during the course of the mission that a workshop would be organised for the FUE Board. This workshop would provide the Board with guidance on their Governance role as well as providing an opportunity to have an initial debate on the new FUE Strategic Plan and the new FUE Business Agenda.