Leadership makes the difference

Leadership makes the difference

Martien Robertz Country manager View profile

Everything comes or falls with leadership. All developments that you want to initiate that involve other people need leadership. We need leaders with an exciting and challenging vision. And especially leaders who enter into a dialogue with all parties involved.  

In the vision of DECP, every BMO can play a great pioneering role in developing and promoting a leadership style to realize sustainable developments. That was the most important message from Martien Robertz of DECP during the Leadership Development Day organized by VCCI/VWEC on 31 October 2019.

Among those present were entrepreneurs, staff members of the entrepreneurs' organisation and members of the trainers club. They enthusiastically discussed the chances and possibilities of a leadership program for VCCI/VWEC.

DECP supports employers’ organisations in developing countries to become effective partners in the development of leadership skills.

The economic developments in Vietnam are going fast. DECP wants to contribute to a good dialogue between the company, its environment, managers and employees. Leadership can make the difference for this.


When Mr. Martien Robertz is performing a training, it is impossible to sit and do nothing but listening. Active participation through studying, discussing and presenting real cases contribute to a high retention rate of what has been teached and to an easy bridge to application in day-to-days business.