ECOP reinforcing membership

ECOP reinforcing membership

Andrew Moore Country manager View profile

The Employers Confederation of the Philippines (ECOP) is an employer’s organisation with a strong membership. It provides a wide range of services to its members which includes information on industrial relations as well as a wide range of training programmes. ECOP faces the challenge that a number of its members are not paying their annual subscription which in turn puts a considerable amount of pressure on the organisation. It was agreed during a one day mission by the DECP country manager in February 2020 that the DECP would provide both financial and technical support to ECOP to undertake a comprehensive Membership Survey from April to September 2020. This survey will ask both current as well as potential members on what they want from ECOP in terms of advocacy as well as services. It is envisaged that the results of the survey will form the basis of a Membership Strategy for implementation in 2021.

The DECP received feedback on the workshop held in Manila in November 2019 on Social Media. ECOP felt that this had been beneficial and they had made a number of changes to how they communicate with their members as a result.

The mission also provided the opportunity to discuss further other key issues to be developed in 2020 such as a Policy Agenda, Negotiation training and Skills development.