Advisory missions to Uganda, Rwanda and Tanzania
Andrew Moore, the DECP Country Manager for a number of East African countries, travelled to the following countries, visiting DECP’s partner organisations in the region:
The Federation of Uganda Employers (FUE), Kampala, 26 November – 4 December
After attending the ProInvest training in Kampala on “How to set up and run sustainable training services”, Andrew Moore took the opportunity of meeting with the FUE Executive Director and senior staff to discuss a number of issues including the provision of training services within FUE, recruiting and keeping members, further development of the current three FUE regions and possible staff changes.
The Rwanda Private Sector Federation (PSF), Kigali, 6-7 December
A two day mission to the Private Sector Federation (PSF) in Kigali was undertaken by the DECP country manager Andrew Moore on 6 & 7 December 2010.
The main purpose of this mission was to meet with the newly appointed CEO of PSF and to discuss with him and the Chairman of PSF the reorganisation of the current governance structure which is not currently member friendly. Resulting from these discussions it was agreed that the DECP would undertake research in
January 2011 and make recommendations on how the PSF could proceed.
The mission was also an opportunity to meet with senior PSF staff and discuss employment and membership issues.
The Association of Tanzania Employers (ATE), Dar es Salaam 9-12 December
During the course of a three day mission to Tanzania the DECP attended one of the regular Board meetings of the Association of Tanzania Employers (ATE). The main issue on the agenda included the adoption of the Annual Work Plan and Budget for 2011. The DECP was also in attendance and contributed to a one day Board seminar in Bagamoyo on “Employer Rights in the Work Place”.
The mission also provided an opportunity for DECP to meet with officials from the Netherlands Embassy in Dar es Salaam and to brief them on the work being undertaken by DECP with ATE and the plans for 2011.