Advisory mission to Phnom Penh
The resignation of the General Manager of CAMFEBA in December 2016 after only two months in post meant that the organisation was facing a number of challenges in the short term. The DECP country manager Andrew Moore undertook a two day mission to meet with members of the Board as well as with the staff. Resulting from these meetings Andrew Moore offered constructive advice on what action should be taken in order to try to get the organisation back on track and into a positive position. It was agreed that work would be undertaken to try and find a replacement for the role of the General Manager from within the business community.
The mission also provided the opportunity to discuss the proposed meeting of the ASEAN Employers Organisation (ACE) of which CAMFEBA is the current President. It was agreed that the proposed meeting in Jakarta for the members to meet with the ASEAN secretariat should be developed as soon as possible with late April being the best timing.