Advisory mission to Ghana Employers Association
From April 20-24 Andrew Moore, DECP's Country Manager for Ghana, paid a visit to GEA in Accra to discuss current affairs. He was received by Alex Frimpong, who has been acting Executive Director for the last six months since the former Executive Director accepted a position with the International Labour Organisation ILO in South Africa.
Andrew Moore spent considerable time visiting board members in order to find out from them first hand what their thoughts and views are regarding Ghana as well as regarding GEA and what could be done in order to make GEA more responsive to its members. These visits provided him with valuable information on the members' positive views as well as on areas where improvements can be made.
Furthermore, discussions were held with the person responsible for Training, i.e. the inhouse courses (courses specifically asked for by member companies) as well as the open courses. Possibilities were considered on how to make these courses more effective. Overall the trainings seem to be going well and in most cases they are well received by members.
Regarding lobby and advocacy, Andrew Moore suggested that it would be a good opportunity for GEA to try and influence the Government's budget which is due in November of each year. One of the ideas discussed was that a draft paper be presented for discussion to the Executive Board at its next meeting, covering a number of employment related issues. Each one of these issues would improve the overall employment rate and thus lead to a reduction of poverty in the longer term. After consultation with the members GEA could then make a public statement/press conference on what it wanted; this would hopefully influence the government and make GEA's activities more visible to its members .
Mr. Frimpong informed that the publication of the Labour Law booklets last year has been very well received and in fact they have had to have a re-print. This was a joint project in 2008 between GEA, the trade unions in Ghana, CNV in the Netherlands and DECP.
Apart from the subjects mentioned above, a wide range of issues was discussed. Andrew's next visit is planned for September during which GEA will hold their Annual General Meeting