A step forward for the East African Employers Organisation

A step forward for the East African Employers Organisation

former DECP country manager Former colleague View profile

The development of the East African Employers Organisation (EAEO) took a significant step forward as a result of two meetings on 9 and 10 May 2011, held in Nairobi, at the offices of the FKE (Federation Kenya Employers).

The first meeting was with the Executive Directors of the Employers Organisations from member countries of the East African Community. This meeting, held jointly with Trademark East Africa (TMEA), agreed on the funding of a full time Cluster Coordinator who would be based in Arusha Northern Tanzania and who would represent the interests of employers at an EAC level.

The meeting of the EAEO Technical Committee looked in detail at the practical arrangements for the setting up of the cluster and how it would work both at a national as well as at a regional level.

The DECP provided the required funding and administrative support needed to hold these two meetings.