What will the future of employers' organisations look like?
COVID-19 is affecting the whole world. People are suffering and mourning. Economies are down. Nevertheless, there will be a new future when the coronavirus is defeated. Employers' organisations are the voice of business. They support companies to survive this crisis. They lobby towards governments and trade unions to cooperate with the aim of kickstarting economy as soon as possible. In order to keep companies up and running, to save and create jobs and to build a new world. Where people can live in peace, environment is protected and the earth is perceived as everybody's home.
Leo de Boer (et al), Manager of Employers' Organisations VNO-NCW and MKB Nederland, developed a vision on how the future of employers' organisations can look like. DECP embraced these scenarios as possible development frames for employers' organisations in emerging countries. After all, now is the time to support each other. No mather where.